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Past & Recent Minutes
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Building Matters
MTCC 1170's Main Site
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Visitors who wish to peruse the Corporation's
governing documents, the Condominium Act,
Toronto's Municipal Code and/or by-Laws, etc
should click on the "Contacts and Links" tab.

Visitors who wish to peruse Board Meeting
Minutes should click on the "Past & Recent
Minutes" tab to view the Corporation's Board
Meeting Minutes from July 2003 to 26 September
The Metropole 7 King Street East Toronto Ontario M5C 3C5
Management Office: 416.861.8320 - Front Lobby: 416.368.3306
Facsimile: 416.861.8341 - E-Mail: mtcc1170@outlook.com

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of all pages. This site's last update occurred on 26 September 2024.
240926R's Minutes are online,
including a prior Resolution's
amendment and permission
for an ISP's infrastructure.
Meeting 241017R is on
Thursday 17 October 2024.